What People Are Saying
“I can move my neck properly again, that headache I had is almost completely gone and my shoulders feel nice and loose”
— Keegan M
“...my back is feeling awesome and my overall mobility has increased significantly, i can't thank you enough.”
— Mike B
“..Just want to thank you for the session, feeling really good this morning, not feeling tight anywhere and the backpain is gone!”
— Steve L
“… Feeling great after the session. My legs are way more loose, that pain i had in my hip is gone, and my hips in general feel more loose.. it was hard to get back to work after i was so mellow.”
— Ryan T
client before & after.
The following client photos were all taken before/after a single FST session. See how effective FST can be for fixing postural deficiencies, such as FLLD or a hunched-forward posture.